Effective Personnel Management In China
E-Learning | Certificate Course

The PRC Labour Contract Law requires employers to draft and implement an employment handbook within their organizations. In the employment handbook the rights of the employees are listed, and employment obligations specified. The handbook must be compliant with law and regulations and is subject to standards of fairness and reasonableness.
Employment handbooks should be regarded as an extension of the employment relationship in which the company clearly communicates the companies’ policies to its employees and provides its employees with detailed discipline records and measures in order to have the necessary evidence in hand should there be a need to prove grounds for implementing disciplinary measures. Employment handbooks are legally binding in courts.
In this publication multiple examples of main provisions which are commonly included in the employment handbook will be provided. These provisions are substantiated by additional information on the purpose of the provision, the meaning and implication of its content, and further information on the background to place the provision in a broader context.
Target audience
Human Resources professionals, corporate recruiters, headhunters and executives from all industries interested in personnel management in China.
100% Online delivery
The course is designed to be completed fully online enabling students to continue working during the course.
The course covers all literature and reading materials essential to recruitment of personnel in China.
The standard duration of the course is 4 weeks based on an average time commitment of 4 hours per week.
- In this course you will develop a deeper understanding about the role of the employment handbook in effectively managing personnel.
- You will learn about the benefits of structuring human resources management policies in the employment handbook and detailing it in procedures and instructions.
- You will develop an understanding of the advantages the employment handbook provides to both the company and its employees.
- You will be provided with examples of provisions which are included in the employment handbook, which are substantiated by additional information on the purpose of the provision, the meaning and implication of its content, and further information on the background to place the provision in a broader context.
Unit 1: Introduction
The first unit provides an orientation to the course and the online learning environment. The unit does not carry credits. You are encouraged to go through the materials at their own pace to get accustomed to the online medium.
Unit 2: Company & handbook Introduction
It all starts with an introducing. In this unit focus goes out to the introduction of the company and the handbook that it has in use. The introduction of the employment handbook sets forth the personnel policies and procedures of the company which are applicable to all personnel, including both direct hires and dispatched personnel engaged via HR outsourcing agencies.
Unit 3: Company policy
Following the introduction of the company and the employment handbook, next section provides an introduction of the main policies the company has in place. Topics include but are not limited to integrity, sexual harassment, security of information and documentation, and office regulations. Purpose of the employment handbook is to inform employees about the policies in place, whereas separate procedures and work instructions will provide detailed information hereto.
Unit 4: Recruitment and employment
Employees are a company’s most important asset. The Recruitment and employment section included in the employment handbook focuses on outlining the main aspects related to the Human Resources policies in the company. The employment handbook includes provisions included but not limited to recruitment, onboarding, (changes in) personal information of employees and receipt of work-related assets. Salaries, social insurance contributions and employee benefits are elaborated upon, and employment handbooks further addresses performance reviews, promotions, and demotions. Handbooks further include provisions on the various ways for termination of employment.
Unit 5: Working time and attendance record
Employment handbooks commonly include a section on working time and attendance of employees, as well as the application procedures that apply overtime. In this section sample text that can be included in the employment handbook related to working time, attendance requirements and overtime are provided.
Unit 6: Holidays and leave
Employment handbooks commonly include a section on holiday and leave entitlements of employees, as well as the application procedures that apply to each type of leave. In the handbook distinction is made between public holidays applicable to all employees, and a selection of employees, annual leave and special leaves including sick leave, work-related injury leave, bereavement leave, maternity and paternity leave.
Unit 7: Disciplinary section
In this section disciplinary measures are discussed in detail. In employment handbooks first the disciplinary policy is discussed, describing the policy and procedures that apply in the company. Second it provides a detailed description of the disciplinary measures, explaining which undesired and inappropriate behavior results in what kind of measures. Commonly disciplinary measures are based on a three-tiered system, ranking behavior and measures.
Unit 8: Travel and expense reimbursement
The employment handbook commonly includes provisions on employee travel and expense reimbursement. Companies can design their policies and procedures according to their preferences. From a cost control perspective, for both types of expenses it is recommended to implement an application and approval mechanism prior to realizing the expense.
Unit 9: Employee consent
The employment handbook must be provided to every employee. To avoid the possibility of future claims in which the employee states not to have received the employment handbook or was unaware of company regulations, it is recommended to require the employee to sign for receipt of the handbook and confirmation that he fully understands and accepts the company’s policies. This statement should be signed in twofold, after which both parties keep one version. Best practice is to issue the employee a copy of the handbook at the moment of concluding the employment contract.
No specific prior education or knowledge about human resources management in China is required to be admitted to this course..
Assessment is carried out through a series of written assignments to be completed at the end of each unit.
Certificate of Completion
A Certificate of Completion is issued upon the successful completion of the course.
Tuition fee
Tuition fee for the entire course is EUR 899 to be paid in advance.
The tuition fee includes all necessary literature and study materials, guidance and support during your studies, free extension of the study duration (if required), and 1:1 contact with your course professor.
Start date
Open enrollment applies to this course. You can start this course at a timing of your own convenience.
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Experienced Professionals
Actionable Knowledge
Official Data Sources
Tailormade Literature
Our programs and courses are designed and taught in close partnership with experienced foreign and China-based industry professionals.
New gained knowledge and insights from our programs, courses and business-oriented publications ate directly applicable in business.
Data from official sources is utilized to provide a detailed and accurate view of the latest developments in China’s business environment.
To reflect the latest business developments in China, our programs and courses include tailormade literature and reading materials.
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If you want to expand your knowledge even further, you can continue your studies towards one of our HR Diploma programs “Recruitment, Contracting, and C&B strategies for China” or “Personnel Management Strategies for China”. When you are admitted, you can submit an exemption request for the course that you have already obtained, and you will go through the entire program even faster.