Optimizing Profit Repatriation From China Via Dividend Payments
E-Learning | Certificate Course

In four weeks, you will learn the ins and outs of processing dividend payments from China. You will develop a deep understanding of the preconditions that organizations must meet to be able to effect dividend payments, learn how to calculate net dividends, as well as the applicable payment procedure that has to be complied with.
Depending on the bilateral Double Taxation Agreements between China and the contracting country or non-state tax jurisdictions where the foreign parent company is located, generating income in China has tax implications which might affect the overall tax burden of both the China-based subsidiary company and the foreign parent company. You will develop an in-depth insight Corporate Income Tax and Withholding Tax liabilities that might apply and which requirements your organization has to meet to become eligible to reduce these liabilities.
Your new gained knowledge and insights are directly applicable in your professional work environment. To support well informed business decisions the content of this course is supported by detailed calculation examples, illustrations of process flows and checklists.
Target audience
CFOs, Business owners, Finance Directors, accountants, and financial executives from all industries who have an interest in corporate finance and profit optimization from China.
100% Online delivery
The course is designed to be completed fully online enabling students to continue working during the course.
The course covers all literature essential to acquiring the fundamental knowledge for performing investment into China.
The standard duration of the course is 4 weeks based on an average time commitment of 4 hours per week.
- Develop a deep understanding of the preconditions for effecting dividend payments from mainland China.
- Learn how to calculate net dividends payable to your offshore parent company.
- Gain an in-depth understanding of the payment procedure and timeline.
- Determine whether Double Taxation Agreements between China and your country are in place, and what effect these might have on the overall tax burden.
- Learn how your organization might become eligible and how to apply for tax treaty benefits.
Unit 1: Introduction
The first unit provides an orientation to the course and the online learning environment. The unit does not carry credits. You are encouraged to go through the materials at their own pace to get accustomed to the online medium.
Unit 2: Processing Dividend Payments
Payment of dividends is most commonly applied by organizations to repatriate profits made by their Mainland China-based subsidiary to the offshore parent company.
This unit discusses how organizations can process dividend payments in detail. First the preconditions that organizations must meet to be able to effect dividend payments are discussed, followed by the calculation of net dividends as well as the applicable payment procedure that has to be complied with.
Unit 3: Taxation of Outbound Dividend Payments
Depending on the bilateral agreements between China and the contracting country or non-state tax jurisdictions, generating income in China has tax implications which might affect the overall tax burden of both the China-based subsidiary company and the foreign parent company.
In this unit the liabilities related to Corporate Income Tax and Withholding Tax are discussed, as well as the requirements organizations have to meet to become eligible to reduce the liability.
Unit 4: Eligibility for DTA Benefits
In many of the Double Taxation Agreements concluded between China and foreign countries, non-state tax jurisdictions or regions, preferential withholding tax rates for income out of dividend sourced from China are only applicable when the recipient holds a beneficial ownership status over the relevant income. A “Beneficial Owner” refers to a person who has ownership over and the right to control income, or the rights or properties that generate such income.
Unit 5: Application for DTA Benefits
In recent years, the policy and procedure for the application of Double Taxation Agreement benefits has been updated multiple times, each time relaxing the reporting and approval requirements.
In this unit the latest regulations on application for bilateral tax treaty benefits which entered into effect per 1 January 2020 as well as the requirements organizations need to meet are discussed in detail.
No specific prior education or knowledge is required to be admitted to this course.
Assessment is carried out through a series of written assignments to be completed at the end of each unit.
Certificate of Completion
A Certificate of Completion is issued upon the successful completion of the course.
Tuition fee
Tuition fee for the entire course is EUR 499 to be paid in advance.
The tuition fee includes all necessary literature and study materials, guidance and support during your studies, free extension of the study duration (if required), and 1:1 contact with your course professor.
Start date
Open enrollment applies to this course. You can start this course at a timing of your own convenience.
How we deliver value
Program Completion Benefits
Upon successful completion of the course, you will earn a digital certificate of completion from the Institute of China Studies.
Note: After successful completion of the online program, your verified digital certificate will be emailed to you in the name you used when registering for the program. All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion of the Institute of China Studies.

Contact us
Would you like more information about the course and the admission requirements? Then request a free study consultation. Of course, free of charge and without obligation. This way you will learn more about the content of the course, the teaching materials, and the online learning environment.

Enroll today
Enroll today and develop essential skills and insights about profit repatriation from China via dividends, which can be directly applied in your professional work environment.