Institute for China Studies

Recruitment Of Personnel In China

E-Learning | Certificate Course

In today’s competitive landscape, attracting and retaining top talent is imperative to achieving business success. Good hiring and training practices are crucial for companies, as they have to rely on qualified personnel to achieve their productivity and innovation goals. Companies also have to deploy more active strategies to find and attract qualified candidates.

Flexible hiring practices, customized work assessment policies, and effective employer branding will allow companies to attract the best talents and achieve personnel loyalty. Companies may also need to opt for a more distributed workforce and adopt telecommuting. While retaining their traditional workforce, this new flexibility in recruitment policies will help companies cast a wider net for skilled and “compound” talents.

In this course, you will develop an in-depth understanding of which options organizations have to hire personnel in China, the challenges of recruitment in China, current trends in the Chinese labor market, what motivates local talent and what they expect out of their career development and how to successfully recruit both Chinese and foreign personnel.

How we deliver value

Experienced Professionals

Actionable Knowledge

Official Data Sources

Tailormade Literature

Our programs and courses are designed and taught in close partnership with experienced foreign and China-based industry professionals.

New gained knowledge and insights from our programs, courses and business-oriented publications ate directly applicable in business.

Data from official sources is utilized to provide a detailed and accurate view of the latest developments in China’s business environment.

To reflect the latest business developments in China, our programs and courses include tailormade literature and reading materials. 

"Personnel are an organization's most important asset. Via this course you will develop an in-depth understanding of the focus points for the recruitment, hire, and onboarding of China's top talent"
Dr. Van Ostende
Founder, Institute for China Studies

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Next steps: Progress to the Diploma program

Would you like more information about the course and the admission requirements? Then request a free study consultation. Of course, free of charge and without obligation. This way you will learn more about the content of the course, the teaching materials, and the online learning environment. 

If you want to expand your knowledge even further, you can continue your studies towards one of our HR Diploma programs “Recruitment, Contracting, and C&B strategies for China” or “Personnel Management Strategies for China”. When you are admitted, you can submit an exemption request for the course that you have already obtained, and you will go through the entire program even faster.