Institute for China Studies launches ICS Press
26 January 2024
The Institute for China Studies is proud to announce the launch of our inhouse publishing house ICS Press. ICS Press aims to support educational and academic publications by students, alumni, fellows, and faculty of the Institute for China Studies.
Educational publishing
For educational publishing ICS Press will collaborate with Aegis Consulting Group to produce business guides and hand books related to various aspects of doing business in China and with China-based enterprises.
At the launch the following books are available via ICS Press.
On foreign investment
- Entering the Chinese market via a Representation office
- Accelerating business expansion in China via branch offices
- Introduction to Foreign Investment in China
On human resources
- Payroll, social security, and individual income tax in China
- Structuring employment contracts in China
- Managing labor disputes and termination of employment in China
- Contracting freelance personnel in China
On finance
- Profit repatriation via dividend payments from China
- China Secondment: Tax Implications of cross-border labor dispatch
On business
- Due diligence essentials for doing business with China-based enterprises
Academic publishing
For academic publishing ICS Press will publish advanced learning materials and reference content via our inhouse journal named Journal for China Business Studies.