Institute for China Studies

Structuring Employment Contracts In China

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Course Highlights

  • In this course you will develop a deeper understanding of the different types of employment contracts related to individual, collective and part-time employment.
  • You will develop in-depth insights in the requirements for conclusion of the different types of employment contracts.
  • You will learn to translate law and regulations into business practice, utilizing examples of provisions which can be included in individual employment contracts drafted in accordance with the PRC Labour Contract Law.
  • You will develop a profound understanding on the regulations regarding work placement and will become able to establish arrangements between the hiring company, staffing firm and dispatched employee.
  • You will earn insights in the purpose and functioning of employment handbooks.

Course Description

In this course you will develop a deeper understanding of the different types of employment contracts related to individual, collective and parttime employment, as well as the requirements for conclusion of these types of contracts. To translate law and regulations into business practice, examples of provisions which can be included in individual employment contracts drafted in accordance with the PRC Labour Contract Law are provided. Each provision is substantiated by additional information on the purpose of the provision, the meaning and implication of its content, and further information on the background to place the provision in a broader context.

Work placement in China is common. In this course the structuring of work placement arrangements between the hiring company, staffing firm and dispatched employee is discussed in detail, as well as restrictions applicable to work placement, remuneration and return of dispatched workers.

Further focus goes out to the employment handbook. The PRC Labour Contract Law requires employers to draft and implement an employment handbook within their organizations, which lists the rights of the employees, and specifies employment obligations. Employment handbooks should be regarded as an extension of the employment relationship in which the company clearly communicates the companies’ policies to its employees.

Tailor-Made Literature

The literature and reading materials used in this course have been designed to ensure the reflect the provisions included in the PRC Labor Contract Law, detailed implementation regulations and further regulations, requirements and opinions related to the structuring of employment contracts in China.

100% Online Delivery
The course is designed to be completed fully online enabling students to continue working during the course
Assessment is carried out through a series of written assignments to be completed at the end of each unit
The standard duration of the course is 4 weeks based on an average time commitment of 4 hours per week
Personal Assistance
Throughout the duration of the course you can contact your course professor for professional questions via the online learning environment
The course covers all literature and reading materials essential to structuring employment contracts in China
No specific prior education or knowledge about personnel management in China is required to be admitted to this course
Target Audience
Executives from all industries interested in personnel management in China
A course certificate is issued upon the successful completion of the course
Tuition Fee
Tuition fee for the entire course is EUR 299 to be paid in advance
Average Review Score:

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